Sunday, March 19, 2006

Well for all those people who requested pics of my new house, here they are complete with requiste mess and kick ass LCD TV. I feel more than a little pathetic posting these, makes me feel like a some random American blogger who posts pics of thier cat or the distance to thier work, but you gotta give the people what they need. Hell Im feeling so self important I might even chuck in a little top ten of the kind of beats Im feeling at the moment. In no order of course:

>Yeah Yeah Yeah Song - The Flaming Lips (from their new album At War With the Mystics)

>Heart Beats - José González (Cover of the Knife track from his album Veneer)

>Easy Love - MSTRKRFT(Last Gang Records - this is the reason I listen to Annie Mac)

>Nicotine & Gravy - Beck (Lost classic from Midnite Vultures)

>Crazy - Gnarlys Barkley (Dangermouse does it again)

>Flashback - Cyantific (From thier debut album on Hospital Records - Ghetto Blaster, killer soulful drum and bass)

>Windsurfing Nation - Broken Social Scene (see the post below for rant)>Turn the Page - The Streets (Killer opener from Mikes first album)

>Fake Tales of Sanfrancisco - The Artic Monkeys (Somehow they almost live up the hype...its the lyrics that do it for me)

>Bloc Party - Apathy, M. Shinoda and Tak of S.O.B. (Okay so I has the dude from freakin Linkin Park in it, but at least they are trying something new)P.S: Fuck I have Linkin Park - who spells like that.

>Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt - We Are Scientists (Its like millions of teenagers all remebered how to play kick ass rock again - bless em)

Feel free to comment and let me know what you think of my choices. Oh...and one more time I apologise for the state of my house, its shabby chic or some shit. Oh and I realise I start every post with "Well...." I have an problem and Im dealing with it.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Well, well, well. After a long time away I'm finally back. Got my new house, new internet and I'm ready to read shit that no-one will ever read. Where to begin. I have now moved to a house in Surry Hills (Or Slurry Hill as all you comedians refer to it as) with Joe and my new housemate (DJ!) John Glover. House has a pool and gym and is smack bang in the middle of it all. But enough about me lets talk about the world and all it has to offer.

First things first had one of those life changing musical experiences the other weekend seeing a band known as Broken Social Scene playing at the Metro. One of the top 3 musical acts I have ever seen in my life. I urge you to check out their albums. Their latest self titled effort being my pick. They are a huge ensemble featuring at times four guitarists, three singers and two drummers. Really feeling the two drummer thing at the moment a la these guys. A fella by the name of Kanye West is also about to touch down on these shores very soon, there is a great article in the most recent (March) Rolling Stone about him which I would urge you to read, also check out him in between set entitled Freshmen Adjustment. Full of hidden gems if you cant get enough of that arrogant beat wonder.

In other news the new series of Sopranos has just started in the old US of A and has started with a bang. Who ever isn't into this series be you man, woman or child you best to get into it before its gone for good. Best show on TV without a doubt.

Random other links I have dug up during my extended hiatus:

Best Beats Show on the Net: Annie Mac - this woman knows how to pick a good beat and pick it before it's played to death somewhere else.

and in the same vein something for all the indie and exclusive kids (like JJJ with clout)
Zane Lowe know how to get all the good shit and sound (WAY) too excited about it.

and finally the classic, the best and the most insensitive this man.

In terms of my house I will post so pictures soon for all you suckers and hopefully I will be updating this little piece of internet I call my own a little more now. Oh and if your wondering why Johnny is giving you all a little attitude, its cause I saw Walk the Line the other day (kick ass movie) and I got a whole lotta of love for the man at the moments.