Monday, July 17, 2006

Whats Golden...?

So its been a big few weeks for the wigger within me. Firstly there has been a short run of off cuts from the never created Chappelle Show season 3. These have turned out to be rather tops and it brings a tear to my eye that there shall be no more, I'm sure he will come back in some other form . There will also be a DVD which will be realesed soon and will contain all kinds of extra doo-dads and features. Check it out here.

On a more musical note the new J5 has dropped and is a rather dope slice of backpack rap. The apparant loss of Cut Chemist (judging by the front cover) has only sightly affected thier sound. My only real issue is that Feeback feels less like an album and more like a collection of singles, oh and track number 3 sound like fuckin BEP which is totally lame. Skip it, you'll thank me. Cut Chemist has also released an album called The Audience's Listening and Pharrell has finally dropped In My Mind. Let me know what they are like in the comments section.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Don't look now but I think I'm sweating blood....

A quick post to point out a link to a new group of photo I have put up of the Semi-Permanent 2006 event in Sydney. My work kindly pay for me to go and check out a swathe of designers, effects specialists and ad makers. Was extremely inspiring and I got a fancy book to take home. Check out the photos here and the main DiK site here.

Also there is a new Tony Martin podcast (of Martin&Molloy and The Late Show) found here, thanks SJ. That's all I got for now. Oh and don't mind the title its just a title of a Gyroscope I'm feeling.